ETS Southeast Meeting

I am exciting about the regional ETS meeting beginning this afternoon. Sadly, I left San Francisco less than a year before the national meeting was held there this past year, so I was exciting to find out that at least a regional meeting was being held less than a mile from my home! Here is a list of some of the sessions I plan to attend. Some of these overlap so I obviously can’t do all of them.

“Stoic Contentment and Pauline Contentment”

“The Man Christ Jesus: The Humanity of Jesus in Paul’s Writing and Preaching”

“The  Baptism of Jesus and the Fulfillment of All Righteousness: An Exploration of Jesus’ Relationship to Israel in Matthew 3:13-17”  This paper is being presented by a fellow blogger and student over at ἐνθύμησις. He just wrote a blog his upcoming presentation.

“Evangelicals, N.T. Wright, and the Historical verse the Canonical Jesus: A Proposal for Approaching the Gospels”

“γάρ When δέ is Expected”

“The Oneness of God and His People: The Notion of ἑνότης as a Unifying Center for Biblical Theology and How It Shapes Our Understanding of the Church”

“The Byzantine ‘Priest’ Variant at Acts 5.24”

“Reading the Law in the Light of Christ: Paul’s Use of Leviticus 18.5 in Romans 10.5”

I hope post on some of the things I learn, that is, if I can write fast enough, because surely my mind will not recall of anything useful otherwise.

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4 thoughts on “ETS Southeast Meeting

  1. jacobcerone says:

    Love the new design!

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